The present education system in India has a lot of flaws. People only appreciate academic knowledge and there is a complete disregard of skills that a person might be good at. The present mindset of society is as such that it only believes in excellence that can be achieved with education. However, such is not the case. Education is important but it should not govern our lives and dictate our future. The primary objective of every working individual should be to gain knowledge in a specific field or industry where they wish to develop their career in the long run.

Unconventional sectors such as hair styling, catering, SAP experts, etc. are gaining a lot of popularity in the market as the demand for such services is increasing with time. These skills are not taught in schools or college. There are specific diploma courses which are generally offered in order to perfect the said skill which can be expensive, to say the least. However, banks do not recognize them as a part of the academic module. Simultaneously, an education loan for the same is not provided. This is where the services of Eduvanz comes into play. Eduvanz is an NBFC that specializes in offering skill development loans at the lowest interest rates.
So if you are keen on learning a particular skill and need financial assistance to back it up, then Eduvanz is the right place for you. The services of Eduvanz can now be availed through their Loan App For Students. The company now aims to seek out younger talent in order to help them to establish a better career in the near future. This initiate taken by Eduvanz will surely help the youth of India significantly as they now have better opportunities to learn new skills with the help of Best Student Loan Apps in India.