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Writer's pictureRihanna D'souza


Time has noticeably brought significant new advancements in a number of fields, including the field of education as well. From the use of an abacus that made understanding math easier to using modern techniques and methods, educational methods have evolved drastically over a span of about 20 years.

Many companies came up with ideas of distance learning, home tutoring as well as private tutoring that no had imagined earlier. One such company Genext Students, established by the combined effort of cousin-duo Ali Asgar Kagzi and Asad Daud, started its own hybrid tutoring platform, bringing together the best of technology-friendly tutoring methods for all educational boards of India.

Genext Students Private Tutor Near me is one such program, initiated by the company to make it easier for students to get a suitable private tutor for themselves.

Genext Students enable both parents and the students to choose a suitable tutor from the list of tutors available on the site. The company offers numerous tutors from different areas of different cities. Providing the facility of tutoring, the company further makes it easier for the parents to opt the right tutor for their children.

With the company’s initiative Genext students private Tutors Near Me, not only do the students now save their precious time, but it also enables parents to connect with the tutors in a way so that the students can be helped to reach their maximum potential.

For bringing such a major revolution in the field of education with their creativity, Genext has also been honored with the Red Herring Top 100 Asia Companies award in 2016, along with their enlistment among Top 40 Edu-tech start-ups in the Asia Pacific in 2015.

In addition, Genext students private tutors near me does not only offer its advantages to parents or students but also provides opportunities to tutors by helping them bring out their passion towards teaching.

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