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Company Profile: Holistique Learning Pluto demoted day

The evolution in the field of science could be noticed significantly over the years, one such event is the demotion of Pluto from the status of a planet. The Pluto Demoted Day is an excellent opportunity for students to indulge in the mysterious world of outer space.

Holistique learning has come up with several workshop activities that could possibly pique the interest of the students with respect to this particular topic. The demotion of Pluto on the 24th of August was due to the fact that it failed to meet the 3 criteria set up by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

Students who actively take part in activities such as, quiz on the planet Pluto, treasure hunt with clues that are based on the solar system,paper presentation on the history of Pluto, and much more, improve their communication skills and also attain a large amount of knowledge. These events also promote group interactions between the students and also allows them to get the opinions and suggestions of experts in this field of academia.

Holistique Learning is led by a team of enthusiastic professionals who strive to create responsible and intelligent citizens of the next generation. The unique idea behind this institution is the result of intense research on the various possibilities in the education sector and the possible changes that could bring about revolutionary changes in the mindset of young children.

Pluto Demoted Day in schools also attracts the attention of renowned astronomers and space scientists who are eager to impart their knowledge to the students who are willing to learn. Such interactions lay the base for the humongous growth in the personality and also magnifies the interest of the children by a very large extent.

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