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Issues with Contact Lenses

Contact lenses give a clear peripheral view and move with the eyes, ensuring that there is no scope for distortion. Unlike glasses, they do not reduce visibility during rain or fog up and may be worn while playing outdoor games and other activities. So overall, they are a better option for all kinds of visual needs of a user.

Now, while contact lens a variety of pros and are the most preferred option for optical support in the world today, they do come with their set of problems. Before buying and using a product, it is always good to the know the pros and cons both.

Problems with Contact Lenses

- Patients of dry eyes- EW lenses alleviate the problem of dry eye. Its symptoms include light sensitivity, excessively watery eyes, red or sore eyes, etc. Hence, patients are recommended to use daily disposable or low water contact lenses in such cases.

- Eye allergies and infections- accumulation of dirt due to lenses usage increase the chances of eye infections and allergies due to redness, watery eyes or chronic irritation.

- Usage time- the wearing time of contact lenses is much lesser than glasses. Doctors usually recommend up to eight hours of wearing time on an average.

- Maintenance- as widely known, lens maintenance is a routine issue.

While there are other issues with contact lenses usage, they are minor ones and may be handled. The aforementioned are the more severe ones that one needs to especially look out for.

Brown Coloured Lens

People today love wearing contact lenses for aesthetic purposes or simple occasions such as Halloween parties, etc. In response to the demand, producers have started offering several quality-assured coloured lenses such as the brown colour lenses and are even available online.

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